Selling a house can be lengthy as well as frustrating if you don’t have the right strategy in place. A listed property can linger around the market for months, and chances are that even after all that time it still won't get sold.
Have you ever stopped and pondered why this is happening? Why are your peer real estate agents making profits on sales while you’re struggling to finalize even a single deal?
Well, don’t sweat it friend. We’re here to get you out of the misery. In this post we’ve compiled a few master hacks from real estate coach ‘Sherri Johnson’ just for you. We’re sure if you start following these tips, you’ll stand way ahead of the competition in no time.
Mentally re-list the property
Just try re-listing the property all over again. Johnson explains that if your property has been there for months, it’s already been seen and forgotten. The best thing to do now is to act as if the listing is up again. This trick has really worked in many cases, and we assure you, it’ll be of great help to you too. Additionally, try getting your seller to either lower the price or make an update to the house. A step like that can also sometimes work wonders.
Manage the process carefully
Don't you think your seller must have realistic expectations? It's essential to make sure that they do. You can offer them two options for fast selling – tell them to decide whether they want to sell the property by lowering the price after 30 days, or if they want a quick sell with the current price. If they choose the latter, then updating the home will be a great way to go. It's their call but make sure they abide by these two.
Your language makes a difference
There's another thing Johnson emphasized. It's the language. You should stay away from words like "the highest price." Instead, why not use the wordplay smartly. Using "fair market value” sounds more professional and serious, don’t you think? There are a few more words in the list which can get you going, “initial listing price” and “ambitious list price” for example. Using such words will make sure it becomes evident that your seller is prepared to bring the price down.
Begin the cycle of listing again
Once you’re done with convincing your seller on lowering the price or updating the house, you can move forward and put your property in the listing cycle again. The marketing plan can be 30 days or 60 days in order to keep it during the listing.
Final thoughts
Though sometimes listing properties gets complicated, you shouldn't give up. Real estate is a lucrative field and only the persistent make it big here. We’re sure that with these tips, you can indeed manage the process and get your listings sold quickly.